About March Mayhem


March Mayhem started in 2003 as a fundraiser for a memorial for the Maley sisters. Ashley(2006) and Brooke (2007) were students in Stanton until they tragically lost their lives in a car accident. In 2007, another student,Coty Davidson (2009) lost his life to a car accident. The funds raised from the fifth annual March Mayhem were used to create a memorial in Coty's name. March Mayhem was very popular, so the event was continued for class fundraising and it is still a very popular event to this day.


March Mayhem has something for everyone. Whether you want to run a 5k, or play dodgeball, or even ping pong, you will find something here! You'll find all the information you need by clicking the hyperlink for the events you're interested in. 


A few of our 2022 team champions below:


Names listed left to right

Pictured Left 3 on 3 HS Champs: Cole Scheffler, Luke Weibers, Brayden Lund, Max DeVries

Pictured Right 3 on 3 Mens Champs:  Tyler Peterson, Micheal Schafer, Donnie Weis, Brandon Peterson



Pictured Above Volleyball Champs:  Dez Drake,  Juan Ramos,  Sierra Athen,  Kobe Johnson,  Kealey Anderson,  Ausha Gay